Saturday, November 8, 2008

Networking and gallery success

There are many ways to approach a gallery, there is something I've learned and I feel the most important point:


It's not what you know it's who you know. I am constantly talking with folks about their most exciting and interesting topic, THEM. Somewhere in there we always get around to my stuff. Meet people at the coffee shop, car wash and gym, people are interested and curious about art and artist. Try to get to know folks in the newspaper and magazine business. Yesterday I dropped a piece into a competition, I also met with a gallery owner who scheduled hanging my stuff and then I had lunch with the magazine publisher who knows both the decision makers involved and was instrumental in getting both things done. Get to know folks who know folks. Don't be difficult or more odd then is comfortable. We seem to develop a shtick regarding this, drop it; no one wants to deal with a freak.

Also be persistent.

Winston Churchill, a voluminous speaker, was once asked to give the commencement speech at his Alma matter. As everyone sat waiting for his long oratory he approached the lectern and delivered this entire speech:
Never, never, never quit!

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